Friday, August 24, 2012


Our 7 inch is out! Tour was fun, some hectic parts but it was a blast. Met a ton of awesome people!
Thank you for everyone who helped out with shows, let us sleep on your floor, drove us around, helped out with the van, hung out, and bought merch from us. You all helped us out on tour. Can't wait for the next one.
Recording has been put off for a bit and the split with Growing Stronger is no longer happening, nothing personable or anything, just too many changes and what not. But those songs that are written will be use for something else coming up.
sorry for the lack of updates
you can buy our 7 inch at the webstore, and new shirts up soon!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Writing, Planing Tours, and Recording

Right now we are writing 4 new songs for a split with Growing Stronger, And they are coming along very well! Very exciting and very fun!
Also we are booking a summer tour, we have most of it booked but still need a couple dates. So be on the look out for us in your town!
New merch up soon, all merch will be available on our tour.
um... ya, oh! we got a new drummer. So thats kinda exciting.
Cool later
Oh and if you haven't downloaded the new Lumberlung release yet, your totally fucking up dude/ dudet

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Holy shit... we have not updated this in so long. First things first, We have a 7inch coming out on Mindmelt they have put out some awesome releases from Breaking Ground, Sojourner, Caulfield. We have lost the powerhouse known as Nate on drums, we will miss him and we remain the best of friends. Our new record should be out at the end of April, and we will go on 3 day weekend tour with Drug Culture at the beginning of May. We are booking a 5 week summer tour as well!!!!

Check out our bandcamp

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sup! nothing much.

Hey we are still a band and we are going on a 6 day tour! And we are gonna put out a one sided lp!!!!!!!
We also have Star Wars Shirts!