Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Merch

TOUR IS ALMOST HERE!!!!! And we still have some shit to get together. I just printed up some shirts and made some buttons the other day. Hopefully more to come.But still no tapes! The guy isn't emailing Nate back, so thats a little frustrating and we are a little iffy on some dates. Its pretty much a northwest tour so if you live in the northwest and some how stumble upon this, HELP US OUT PLEASE!

There is also a black on brown. We also have a couple more shirt designs hopefully I can get those done with all the other shit I have going on.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


video from last night's show. Thanx to Rachid for
recording the last two songs of the set.
And thanx for all who showed up/ played!

Also! if Torch Runner is playing in your area
GO! those dudes are ran and play super hard.

Monday, November 15, 2010

WE GOT A VAN!!!!!!!!!

Yep, we got a van and tour is being booked as I type this. And as far as the demo goes. Idk, Ill ask Nate about that. I know i keep saying this, but it will be out soon, i promise. We are also currently writing some new stuff, along the lines of some of the weirder stuff we already have written, but nice and fast. Some more shirt designs and buttons, maybe a patch? idk, but nonetheless cool shit.
If you live in redding come to this!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010


So we haven't got the demo out, we've been lazy assholes. But idk hopefully we'll have em soon. There hasn't been an update in a while cause there has really been anything to update. We are playing Reno today, so that will be a lot of fun, I cant wait to see friends and hangout. And then tomorrow we are playing a show at some church in redding. Should be fun so come out if you can, sorry about the lack of info I have, but thats all I have.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We are still working on the tapes! So if you want a physical copy of the demo be sure to check back!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Show weekend

COME TO THIS!!!!!!!!!
Then the next night we play The Dead Zone with Infinite War and Forte Emprise and others I believe. If I find a flier Ill post that too.
Other news, the demo is almost mastered and once we get that, demos will be up for download here. Tapes will be available at shows or if i can figure out how to make some sort of web store on here, you'll be able to get stuff here.

Friday, September 3, 2010


So we just recorded our Demo today. It went really really well. I think we only took 4 hours or so. 8 songs in 5 minuets give or take.
We left Redding at 11:00 pm, and didn't get to the Atomic Garden till 3:00 am. We all woke up around 9ish, Jack had made us pancakes for breakfast, so that ruled. Set everything up and the music took 15 to 20 minuets to record and then the vocals and everything else took the remaining time. All in all it was a blast and I think everything I record, I'm going to go to Jack. He's just a solid dude, and our experience at the Atomic Garden has made an awesome memory. Next steps are to put the physical product together. And tour. And Again THANK YOU JACK!
Oh also we played a show tonight with POWER and locals forte emprise. It was super fun and hanging out with those dudes is a blast.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So the one day it rains in Redding, after a dry spell all summer, we're suppose to play reno. We have no van and all we have is a truck and a car. So we did the pros and cons, the cons were greater. So we didn't play. :(
But Recording is this WEEKEND!!!!!! So stoked but so scared. Also we have a couple shows lined up. So be on the look out!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Nothing much happening

Not much has been happening, I printed up some shirts and made some buttons. Also we played a show in red bluff, it was a blast. Really cool cafe place, I can't remember all who played but it ruled nonetheless. There should be a video up of it soon. Our Reno show is Saturday, should be fun, come out if you can.
Recording in a week! YAY!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Recording & Stuff

We are going to record a demo with Jack at The Atomic Garden on September 3rd! We are still talking details, but so far the plan is to release it on tape, put out by us. Also Im gonna print up some shirts for the Reno show we have on the 28th of this month. We're gonna try and get a Sac. show the day before or after as well. So if anyone actually reads this and books shows in Sac. or anywhere for that matter hit us up! Tour soon? idk?
-Flex Your Head

1st shirt!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

fun fun fun

These 2 photos were from our 3rd show at Sue's Java with Abandon, the Current, Social Concern and Chaos, Thus Far. This was Ethan's first show with us.

July 27th

This ones from a practice in my bed room.